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Recent Outreach Events

We’ve had the privilege of sharing Warrior Stories in presentations and demonstrations at several events this past month.

Dry Hootch Wisconsin Warriors Summit (Milwaukee, WI) Warrior Stories Consulting Clinician, Jenny Korotko, LCPC, ATR, presented at the Dry Hootch Wisconsin Warriors Summit alongside Abbie Holland Schmit, a US Army veteran and peer to peer counselor, who shared her experience using the Warrior Stories app.

Road Home Military Family Symposium (Chicago, IL) Warrior Stories team members Suzanne Fields and Jenny Korotko staffed an information table at the Road Home-sponsored Military Family Symposium at Chicago’s Union League Club. We met military family service providers and organizations from the Chicago area and shared information about the application with the veteran-serving attendees.

Beyond Boots - Women's Veterans Conference (Honolulu, HI) This conference, sponsored by the Pacific Islands Health Care System, was held at the 29th Brigade Combat Team Readiness Center and featured participatory workshops and a wide range of veteran service providers. As an exhibitor Suzanne shared the application with women veterans interested in improving their physical and mental health and extended relationships with local service providers.

Suzanne representing Warrior Stories at the Beyond Boots conference.

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