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Warrior Stories, Comics, and Digital Culture

2015 46th Annual American Art Therapy Conference

Minneapolis, MN

Interested art therapists were able to create their own imagery on the Warrior Stories Platform at our booth this year, which resulted in some incredibly powerful moments. We were able to witness the impact of an image, how adjusting that image’s size, positioning, color, and transparency helped the author take control back from a visual that represented trauma, and the immediate relief that comes from activating our Resourcing module.

Additionally, the platform was featured at two panels that addressed the role of digital media and graphic narrative in art therapy:

“In the Gutter: Comics and the Instinctual Trauma Response” with Jessica Green, MA, ATR, CTT, BSL, Heather Weyers (Creative Director for the project), and Linda Gantt, PhD, ATR-BC, HLM (an advisor on the project)

“Digital Culture and Art Therapy: Expanded Lens on Ethics, Practice, and Integration” with GWU grad students and moderators of Warrior Stories usability testing Kate Waters, MA, Melinda Griffith, MA, and Kat Michel, MA, Dona Betts, PhD (an advisor on the project), Melissa Walker, MA, ATR (of NICoE, a friend of the project), and Jordan Potash, PhD, ATR-BC, LCAT

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This research was developed with funding from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)

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